
Our service, "Swedish postal code map", helps you monitor and work with Swedish postcode and postal areas in an interactive map.

Get access to our web-based map service where you can work with postal code, locations and other address data directly on the map.

Web-based interface - no software to install.

Choose from different background maps

  • Google Maps - Map, satellite, terrain.
  • Open Street Map

Choose from different layers and boundaries

  • County and municipal boundaries
  • 2 -, 3 - and 5-digit postcode shapes, boundaries and borders
  • Postal locality shapes and borders

Facilities and Features

  • Print custom postcode maps, custom area maps, district maps in PDF format (A3 / A4)
  • Ability to create custom fields and selection - popular for such working with sales territory and / or other divisions.

Price and service

To get access to this service you pay a monthly fee of  995 SEK. You only pay one month at the time and whenever you want you are free to cancel the service.

What is SparGIS?

SparGIS is a web mapping service designed for those looking for a quick, accessible and efficient mapping tools for visualizing and working with different boundaries, divisions and areas on a map of Sweden.

The guiding principle for the service is simplicity - everyone should be able to use SparGIS.

Visualize your business

With our web based service, SparGIS, you can easily create sales districts and zoning based on swedish zip codes, postal towns, counties or municipalities

Demographics and user data on map

With our web based service, SparGIS, you can easily create sales districts and zoning based on swedish zip codes, postal towns, counties or municipalities

Create sale districts, zoning, and selection areas

With our web based service, SparGIS, you can easily create sales districts and zoning based on swedish zip codes, postal towns, counties or municipalities

Demo - video

View a video clip showing the basic functionality of SparGIS

 View the video

Demo - Slideshow

View a slideshow showing the basic functionality of SparGIS

 View the slideshow

Reviews from our customers

Nice and easy mapping software. Professional supportSparGIS Customer
The application was very good and has really served its purposeSparGIS Customer
A nice application that will meet our needs.SparGIS Customer

 Contact me

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Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
